Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Australian Saddle

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Not very many people are aware of the numerous advantages of an Australian saddle. This type of saddle promises improved rider comfort along with better fit and comfort for the horse. Greater rider security and safety and a more natural riding position make an Australian saddle a popular choice amongst novice riders. According to Aussie saddle manufacturers, and the many people who have ridden in one, once you've ridden in an Australian stock saddle, you will never want to ride in an English or Western saddle ever again.

The Australian saddle is basically a hybrid between a Western and an English saddle. However, a few additional features have been added that set the Aussie saddle apart from the other two. The addition of poleys or kneepads is one of the most obvious differences. These kneepads or ears should be parallel to the rider's thigh and about 1/2" away when seated. You'll notice the true value of the poleys when you're riding up or down any type of hill no matter how big or small. The poleys will help to keep you securely seated.

The girthing system is also quite different on an Australian saddle. A very simple, yet efficient double girthing system is used to attach the saddle to the horse. The billet straps and overgirth both buckle directly to the girth using an unusual leverage system. With the double girthing system you can make the Aussie saddle tighter with more efficiency, eliminating any chance of the saddle slipping off. If the billet strap breaks, the overgirth will provide additional safety.

The stirrup leathers on an Australian saddle are also designed with rider safety in mind. They are attached to the saddle in such a way that if you were to fall off and be dragged, the stirrup leathers will release from the saddle, reducing the risk of injury.

Overall the Australian saddle has evolved to suit the requirements of today's rider. The ability of the under padding to conform to the back of the horse also makes this saddle a great choice when it comes to fitting your horse. Security, comfort for horse and rider, reliability, lightweight, and overall performance make the Aussie saddle the perfect choice for almost everyone.
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